
Saturday, August 5, 2017

Celebrate the Assumption of Mary with Food, Fun, and Fellowship

This week, I am in the midst of painting pegs for another swap, which reminded me of the Marian Peg Doll Swap I participated in last year on the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven.  That, in turn, reminded me that I never shared about the actual feast day activities we enjoyed at a friend's home.  So, I am doing so now in case they might inspire your Assumption Day plans for this year.

Our feast day table was set with Assumption-day inspired eats and a Marian peg doll for each month of the year (minus some that were late to the party).  We also had more food in the kitchen.  It included:

  • gluten-free, casein-free "prayer arm" pretzels to remind us to pray for the intercession of Our Lady.
  • fruits and herbs, since both are traditional on this day.

  • blueberry pie and blueberry-and-cream topped pastries (since Mary's colors are blue and white).
  • herb tea (again, herbs are traditional on this day.)

Of course, as enticing as all the goodies were, we did not dig in until we'd shared time for prayer, learning, activities, and chatting about the feast day.

For this, we gathered all the children together, lit candles, and prayed the rosary.

{Disclosure:  Some of the links which follow are affiliate ones.}
Then, while the children colored some free Assumption of Mary coloring pages, my friend read and talked about portions of Mary, My Mother, of course, including the parts about the Assumption. 

After this, all the children stood in a line, and we processed into my friend's garden...

...where we prayed a Blessing of the Fruits and Herbs.

Prayers completed, the children enjoyed playing for a bit, the mamas exchanged pegs, then, we all prayed grace, dug into the goodies, and continued to enjoy one another's company.

We had Life of Mary cards available inside to play with and also supplies for making fresh lavender satchels, with the Legend of Lavender in mind.

It was a truly lovely Assumption Day celebration with friends.

As a bonus, my family also enjoyed our own traditional "waffle sundae" picnic later in the day.

We always start this easy meal with prayer and a chat about the symbolism of our foods - such as the blue and white for Mary's colors, "heavenly white" topping over "earth brown" waffles, etc.

Then, we build our sundaes and enjoy digging in!

We also typically select one or more readings about Mary and the Assumption. 

This past year, our selection was taken from Leading The Little Ones to Mary (of which we have an older copy - pictured above next to my son - than the one currently sold - pictured below.)

It certainly was a blessed and full feast day for us last year.  No doubt, it will be again this year. Whether we end up enjoying an at-home celebration as a family after Mass or a full-on Assumption Day celebration with friend's (as we did last year and in 2015), I have no doubt
that the day will be meaningful as we remember Mary's Assumption and the hope that we, too, have to join Jesus in Heaven one day.

Almighty ever-living God, who assumed the Immaculate Virgin Mary, the Mother of your Son, body and soul into heavenly glory, grant we pray, that, always attentive to the things that are above, we may merit to be sharers of her glory. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
(Collect Prayer)

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